Saturday, November 7, 2015

11/7/15 Puddle Jump 10K

I ran the 10K here in 2010, maybe the first year of the event.  It was a long course and there were other problems with how the race was put on.  I came back for the 5K in 2013 and found it much improved.  Its on my B list of races.  Nice because it is local, but no compelling reason to run it.  I was not registered and it was not until Thursday that I realized I could go do this and be back home before Jody was back from her Saturday morning run with Nickie. 

Could have had a 40 mile week, but I took Friday off to rest up a bit.  Recovery from Dog Lake has been rough.  Tight sore calfs and quads for over a week.  Just starting to feel better in the past couple of days.  I hope to run sub 50 minutes today, just get in some miles, not stress about it and have fun.

$35 Day of race, same price for the 5K and 10K.  Since I am one of the first ones there this morning, they still have T-shirts, so I get that and a little bag with lip balm, deoderant and a rubber bracelet for my collection.

Rain.  Off and on.  Not too stormy, but it will be a wet one for sure.  New start/finish right at the school.  This will allow the 10K to not have to cross a road just before the turn around.  I do a half mile warm up and feel ready to go.  They have the 10K start five minutes before the 5K and we are all lined up with a few minutes before the start time.  I let the announcer know that it is Terra's birthday, so we all sing to her.

Start - I positioned well, plus we have plenty of room, so I just do my thing from the get go. 

Mile 0.1 - Oh yes, this is the race with the mile marker at 0.1 miles.  Later we will have markers at 0.6, 1.1 and so forth.  Pass Judy Fisher.  Nice to have her just behind me so that I can run scared the whole way. 

Mile 1 - 7:39 - Faster than I expected. Terra getting smaller up ahead.  I feel good and settle into the pace.  Wet leaves on the trail,  no big puddles though.  I have run and raced this paved trail many times.

Mile 3.1 - Reach the turn around.  Stop for a brief drink of water.  Legs are good, it is more my breathing that is labored and making it hard to hold this pace.

Mile 3.6 - One guy catches me and we run together for a while.  It seems like he wants to pass me, but I hold on.  Nice to have some one right there with me.  Finally after at least a half mile, he pulls ahead.  I try to focus on the running, but I keep day dreaming.  Spotted Towhee flies by.  I will have to remember  to add that to my monthly bird list.  I really need to think about the running! 

Mile 4.6 - Merge with the 5K walkers.  Not too many of them and easy enough to navigate around.  Start doing math and that sub 50 minutes is looking probably.  Its hard work, but I keep up the pace as best I can.

Finish - 6.23 miles on the GPS.  Terra came in second overall female.  Judy Fisher not far behind me.  I am really happy with my time and how the legs felt.  So glad that I decided to race today.

No raffle for me, but I do earn first in my age group (out of 4) and get this very cool metal sculpture:

12th of 52

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